Down Pints, Then Pins, in Williamsburg

Brooklyn Brewery
79 North 11th Street
(at Wythe Avenue)

This is old and new Brooklyn in one block.

At the turn of the last century, the borough of Kings was ale-central, with a dozen breweries in Williamsburg alone. Now they have been replaced with innumerable bars and restaurants selling dozens of microbrews, only a few of which can truly be called local.

Take a tour of the Brooklyn Brewery on North 11th Street any weekend to get a sense of its history and how beer is made, and score some discounted lagers and seasonal offerings while you’re at it.

Then head next door to Brooklyn Bowl, a one-stop palace of fun. It’s an eco-minded combination of rock club, bowling alley and gourmet comfort food restaurant, that may best symbolize the area’s transformation, from warehouses full of beer to … warehouses full of beer and hipsters. Rock out, dance, drink, eat, avoid gutter balls, repeat. — Melena Ryzik

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