Go Surfing (or Just Watch)

Rockaway Beach
Beach 90th Street
(across Shore Front Parkway)

The longboards being lugged on the subway in the wee hours of the morning are a telltale sign: surf’s up in Rockaway. The only official spot to hang 10 in the city, rock rock Rockaway Beach still has the urban grit — and the summertime jams — of the Ramones era. The break across Beach 90th Street is a haven for crews of hard-core year-round surfers, some of whom occupy the bungalows nearby, for just-getting-their-toes-wet newbies and for locals alike. Join them or just ogle them; either way, it’s the East Coast answer to Malibu — especially if you hit the Rockaway Taco stand after. And the picturesque — really! — ride on the A train out there, hanging low over the waters of Jamaica Bay, is enough to mellow anyone out. — Melena Ryzik

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